Liposuction 360


Liposuction 360 is essentially a comprehensive liposuction procedure. A combination of modern technology and effective techniques, complete contouring can now be performed in a single intervention.  As options such as anesthesia and pain management gradually evolve, plastic surgeons can now achieve more in one session than ever before. 

What makes liposuction 360 new and innovative is that it is highly effective not only for those who need help removing unwanted, stubborn fat, but for very athletic and thin people, as well.

What is Liposuction 360?

Lipo 360, also known as “circumferential liposuction,” is a procedure that covers liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and back. The procedure is conducted “360 degrees” around a specific body part. Those who have excess fat deposits in these areas can benefit from this procedure.

Lipo 360 Tijuana works with a woman’s natural contours to enhance her figure to bring out the best in the female physique. Think about your full body contours rather than a particular targeted area. Patients that notice hanging or loose skin besides the fatty spots may require an additional procedure such as a tummy tuck.

Who is the typical candidate for Liposuction 360?

The typical candidate for 360-degree liposuction should have above all, realistic expectations about the outcome and results of this procedure and also meets some candidacy criteria. 

  • Average to moderate weight
  • Healthy skin with good elasticity
  • Good overall health
  • Fat deposits that don’t respond to dieting and exercise
  • An understanding of what lipo 360 Miami entails
  • Realistic expectations

Patients with poor skin quality may not be candidates for this procedure as they may develop skin irregularities. Age should not be an issue when determining candidacy for lipo 360 tijuana. However, it is common for older patients to have less skin elasticity so they may not reap the same benefits from 360-Degree lipo than patients at a younger age.

Whats the difference between traditional lipo and lipo 360?

Traditional liposuction assists in the removal of fat from unwanted areas, one area at a time, while 360-degree liposuction takes liposuction to the next level by targeting multiple regions at once to create a more balanced appearance. 360°liposuction targets several stubborn fat areas mostly in the midsection to achieve a curvier shape from every angle. It’s important to understand that liposuction, whether traditional or 360° liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. Patients must maintain a stable weight before any of these procedures.

How is Lipo 360 Tijuana performed?

The surgeon begins 360°liposuction with small incisions made in specific areas where hair grows to disguise scarring. A tumescent solution is injected prior to the removal of fat to help contract blood vessels and limit blood loss. Fat is then detached with a cannula. That is a surgical instrument specially designed for this purpose. The cannula attached to the suction machine facilitates the easy removal of fat and produces less bruising and swelling The total amount of time invested in lipo 360 is based on fatty deposits to be removed and nature of the procedure.

High-definition contouring involves a few phases to remove the fat; therefore, it may take a few hours to be completed. The surgeon also needs sufficient time to tighten the skin and create the perfect shape. Based on the size of the openings, the skin is sutured or left open to heal.

The Benefits of liposuction 360°

Some of the most common benefits of 360° liposuction include:

  • Fat removal that may improve the patient’s overall health and quality of life. Some medical conditions may benefit from lipo 360 such as lipomas, and Lipodystrophy syndrome.
  • Higher patient satisfaction – According to research by MedPage Today“Four in five patients who underwent liposuction for body sculpting reported being satisfied with the procedure, and 86% said they would recommend the procedure to others, according to results of a patient satisfaction survey.”
  • It targets areas of stubborn fat. While lipo 360 removes fat cells from the body, patients are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle to keep the results lasting longer.
  • It helps lessen the appearance of cellulite – Cellulite occurs in the surface of the skin. Therefore, 360° liposuction will not cure this condition. However, it may reduce cellulite in some patients to a point. There are techniques used during Lipo 360 Tijuana to minimize the appearance of cellulite. In other words, it may look better than before, but it can’t be treated.